At Paula’s Choice Skincare, our clients and community are at the core of what we do each day. Our hearts go out to all of those impacted by COVID-19. During this time, all of us are being advised to make changes in our daily lives, but one thing that won’t change is our commitment to inform and serve you.  The safety of our customers, employees and their loved ones is our top priority. 


Because research and testing have always been central to who we are, Paula's Choice Skincare is donating $50,000 to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for World Health Organization. The COVID-19 Response Fund works to track and understand the spread of the virus, ensure patients get the care they need, gives frontline workers essential supplies and information, and accelerates efforts to develop vaccines, tests and treatments.


Paulaschoice.com will remain open for business. We’re taking proactive steps to avoid disruptions to product availability on paulaschoice.com, however, we anticipate temporary shipping delays. Due to safety procedures, please expect a delay for pending orders and customer inquiries. Learn more on our shipping page. Check your order status for the latest information.

We’re also helping by doing what we do best—sharing skin care knowledge. Our Client Services team is always here to provide personal skin care advice via email, chat or phone 1.800.831.4088 . Plus, we’ll be bringing you more online content than ever before on social media like Instagram and Facebook.


Our teams around the globe are  closely monitoring this rapidly evolving situation and will   continue to  act with an abundance of caution. We are following  international recommendations from the CDC, WHO  and  local  government regulations.  Globally, we have recommended all employees who are able to do so work from home and have suspended business travel  and events.  We have implemented flexible paid time off policies  to ensure that our employees are able to put their health & safety first.    We are closely monitoring conditions where our products are manufactured. Our warehouses are following CDC recommendations along with our normal safety protocol and working in a clean environment  to ensure  that our products are manufactured and shipped to you  safely.

We  are  continuing  to monitor and respond to this rapidly changing situation and implement additional measures as needed. In the meantime, never hesitate to reach out to our Client Services team with any questions or concerns. We appreciate your patience, understanding and support. Take care of yourself and each other—we’re in this together. 


During this time of uncertainty, I want to remind all of us that we’re often at our best when life is challenging. It’s in these moments that we seek to help others and remember the true meaning of life. For Paula’s Choice Skincare, regardless of the obstacles we’ve faced along the way, these have always been our values and how we get through whatever comes our way.

The other morning, I was reminded of how important routine and skin care is to me—especially when everything else feels out of control. It’s the perfect moment to slow down, care for myself and stay grounded in the present.

I hope you experience that same moment of calm and confidence through the simple but powerful act of caring for your skin. Rest assured that no matter what, we will always be here to give you the right information to take the best care of your complexion.

Wishing you great health and loving support from all of us here at Paula’s Choice Skincare.